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Biometric Module

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Biometric Module
Back Of Capacitive Mobile Phone Fingerprint Module

Back Of Capacitive Mobile Phone Fingerprint Module

Application: mobile smart phone models with a hole in the battery cover; tablet home button; notebook power button to achieve fingerprint authentication or unlocking.
Capacitive Mobile Phone Side Fingerprint Module

Capacitive Mobile Phone Side Fingerprint Module

Application: Models with a power-on button on the side of a mobile smartphone; a tablet power-on button, which realizes the combination of power-on and fingerprint recognition, fingerprint authentication or unlocking.
Optical Lens Under-Screen Fingerprint Module

Optical Lens Under-Screen Fingerprint Module

Application: Smartphone with OLED display, the product is hidden under the OLED screen to realize fingerprint authentication or unlocking.
Optical Ultra-Thin Under-Screen Fingerprint Module

Optical Ultra-Thin Under-Screen Fingerprint Module

Application: Smartphone with OLED display, the product is hidden under the OLED screen to realize fingerprint authentication or unlocking.
Capacitive Door Lock Fingerprint Module

Capacitive Door Lock Fingerprint Module

Application: smart fingerprint door lock, fingerprint padlock, fingerprint safe, structure with breathing light, realize fingerprint authentication or unlocking.
Capacitive Glass Cover Fingerprint Module

Capacitive Glass Cover Fingerprint Module

Application: Home button on the front fingerprint glass cover of smartphones to realize fingerprint authentication or unlocking.
Capacitive Arc Side Fingerprint Module

Capacitive Arc Side Fingerprint Module

Application: The side of the smartphone with the curved screen is combined with the power button to realize fingerprint authentication or unlocking.
Capacitive Luggage Type Fingerprint Module

Capacitive Luggage Type Fingerprint Module

Application: The structure of safe/smart door lock without breathing light can realize fingerprint authentication or unlocking.

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